Detailed Reporting and Real-time Information
Smart Dialer reporting function is a cradle-to-grave data collection engine and analytic tool. Managers and supervisors can generate custom reports quickly and easily on Standard contact center statistics.
For example, the number of dials, the status of agents, of campaigns or the number of records being processed in a given calling list are all standard pieces of information provided by the application in real time. And in printed form once the Information has reached the database.
Reporting structure
> Smart Dialer can generate historical reports for agents, agent groups, campaigns, calling lists and queues.
> Reports can be produced on an hourly, daily, monthly or yearly basis. Daily reports can be as precise as showing information in 15-minute slices. Telephony Reports.
> Reports covering aspects that are standard in the field of telephony.
Application Reports
Reports that cover those elements those are specific to the application.
About agents
> Productivity ratio
> Agent busy factor
> Average handling time
> Average talk time for inbound calls
> Average talk time for outbound calls
About groups of agents
> Busy factor
> Average handling time
> Average talk time for inbound calls
> Average talk time for outbound calls
About performance agents in a group
> Number of contacts
> Number of sales
> Number of sales per hour
> Percentage of sales closed
About campaigns About calling lists About queues
> Hit rate
> Service factor
Customized Reports
> Smart Dialer presents standard items on which to report in the field of telephony and about the application itself.
> You can remove or change any of the information that can be observed live or Reported on. You can also add new items to be recorded
> Extra option in Smart Dialer is admin can recycle the leads of an particular campaign.
Sum Up. What's in it for you? (REPORTING)
> Save time. Rapid production of reports on standard contact center Statistics and real-time monitoring.
> Save money. Improved agent productivity and customer service. By viewing quickly how the settings you have selected to run. Your Campaign are affecting your objectives, you do not have to wait hours to make judicious adjustments. Problems can be flagged so supervisors can resolve them immediately.
> Unparalleled flexibility. Contact center managers can define their reporting needs, collect data accordingly, and instantly produce accurate information on any combination of sites, campaigns, agents or clients.